<1> Electric Car Battery
Peope Think Car batter does not give a large working time . And its need maintence every time. And same as mobile battery uncharged too much fast. But Electric Car can Give a good running time and its charge with in 1 or 2 hour completly. And 1 battery in it for Emergency.
<2>Free Services Like Facebook and Whatsapp
People Think Face book and Whats app Is free to use but. Face book and Whats aap consume internet which is not free. Its sell ur personl data to many foundation for advertisement. Show many advertisement in it which can help you littly but They can earn money buy it.
<3>Large Size Video Have High Quality And Low Size Video Have low Quality
Large Size Video Have High Quality And Low Size Video Have low Quality its not true Some time th video which have high size but not compress by a good compresser the quality of video is very low Compare to low size video which one compressed by Good compreser. It is a Big mith which i clear today
<4> Printer Ink
Peope Think Car batter does not give a large working time . And its need maintence every time. And same as mobile battery uncharged too much fast. But Electric Car can Give a good running time and its charge with in 1 or 2 hour completly. And 1 battery in it for Emergency.
<2>Free Services Like Facebook and Whatsapp
People Think Face book and Whats app Is free to use but. Face book and Whats aap consume internet which is not free. Its sell ur personl data to many foundation for advertisement. Show many advertisement in it which can help you littly but They can earn money buy it.
<3>Large Size Video Have High Quality And Low Size Video Have low Quality
Large Size Video Have High Quality And Low Size Video Have low Quality its not true Some time th video which have high size but not compress by a good compresser the quality of video is very low Compare to low size video which one compressed by Good compreser. It is a Big mith which i clear today
<4> Printer Ink
Owner think if they Can use a other Company inkthen the warranty of the printer is avoid but its 100% fake. Usage of any ink does not damage your printer and not avoid any type of warrenty. Its a big myth.
Good work keep it up.